Open Data

The Ontario Trillium Foundation provides a public inventory of data sets regarding our operations and impact as part of our commitment to improve transparency, accountability, and openness. In accordance with Section 5 of the Government of Ontario's Open Data Directive, OTF publishes a list of all data sets held by the Foundation. View the OTF Data Inventory. You can also review our Open Data Policy.

Open data sets and open information are published by OTF under the Open Government License – Ontario. Information published under this license can be copied, modified, published, translated, adapted, distributed or otherwise used in any lawful way, subject to a few conditions.

For any questions or comments about our published data please contact

Data on grants

The Ontario Trillium Foundation posts past grant data in a simple and easy-to-use format.

​​​​The published data includes all approved OTF grants:

Data on Catchment areas

OTF has divided Ontario into 16 catchment areas, enabling us to make granting decisions at a local level. You can view the catchment map to find out which catchment applies to you.

These two files below match OTF Catchment geography to Statistics Canada Census Divisions municipalities. Use of these files allows for OTF Open Data to be linked to data sets using Statistics Canada geographic definitions, increasing the usability of OTF Open Data.

Investment Summary Reports

OTF’s analysis of our grant making prepared for the Board is made available to understand the impact of our investments in communities and help us all to learn and improve.

Travel Meals and Hospitality Expenses

In compliance with the Management Board of Cabinet's expense disclosure requirements, OTF publicly posts travel, meal and hospitality expense information. Our staff can claim — and be reimbursed for — necessary travel, meal and hospitality expenses they pay for, during the course of their work for the Foundation. Expense claims are governed by rules which outline what can be repaid with public funds, and what maximum amounts can be claimed.

More information about the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Directive.

Expenses will be disclosed in the period that they are claimed and are net of refundable sales tax.

Past expenses by Quarters: (.xlsx):

Executive Compensation

OTF is committed to responsible and transparent administration of the compensation for all members of its Senior Leadership by reporting the details of how their compensation is determined.

Compensation is a key element in attracting and retaining the necessary talent to deliver high quality public services while managing public dollars responsibly. Our current executive contracts comply with all applicable legislation, and align with the Executive Compensation Framework regulation that came into force on September 6, 2016.

We are sharing publicly our executive compensation framework program. To provide feedback to Ontario Trillium Foundation, please contact us at:

The draft executive compensation program was posted for a period of 30 days (date of posting: November 15), and was posted as final on December 15, 2016.