Other Funders

If your organization or project are not a good fit with Ontario Trillium Foundation grants, there are other funders that can support your work.

Please note that these links are not an endorsement by the Ontario Trillium Foundation of their contents.

Government funding

You may be eligible for funding offered through the following government programs:

Community funders

In addition to government programs, we encourage you to visit the following sites to find the right funder for you:

  • Community Foundations of Canada
    Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is the national leadership organization for Canada’s 191 local community foundations. Together with foundations from coast to coast to coast, it helps drive local solutions and national systems-level change on the issues that matter most to Canadians. Its programming targets pressing social issues in Canada, including youth engagement, gender equality, support for entrepreneurship and social innovation, and community-level connections with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • The Funding Portal
    The Funding Portal is Canada's national bilingual e-commerce platform and one-window gateway to improve access to government funding. The Portal aggregates more than 7,000 sources of funding within a free searchable database--more than 4,500 government sources and 2,500 private sources--representing more than $30 billion in funding sources for your charity, nonprofit, or business.
  • Imagine Canada's Grant Connect
    Grant Connect is an innovative and comprehensive tool that connects charities with funders who share their cause. It is the next generation of Imagine Canada's Directory to Foundations & Corporations, a beloved publication with a 45-year legacy in the charitable sector.