Application Coaching

Book a coaching call with a Program Manager for in-depth support and help with navigating the application process.

Coaching calls for the Youth Opportunities Fund

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) supports grassroots projects led by youth and families who share the same identities and experiences as the people who will benefit from the project. YOF prioritizes grassroots groups that are looking to address the experiences of Indigenous (First Nation, Metis or Inuit) and/or Black youth who continue to face systemic barriers and oppression.

Book a YOF coaching call to talk about YOF grants.

Email for immediate support about YOF grants.

Coaching calls for Community Investments grants

(for Resilient Communities Fund grants, and Seed, Grow and Capital grants) 

Coaching topics can include: 

  1. Your project’s fit with the OTF grant investment framework
  2. Application questions, requirements, and assessment criteria
  3. OTF policies

For questions about your current grant, contact the Program Manager assigned to your grant.

Immediate support

For general information about the Ontario Trillium Foundation, including what we fund and who can apply, or if you require technical assistance, please contact our Support Centre at or 1 800 263-2887. We're open Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Accessible Supports and Resources

If you require accessible supports while participating in a webinar, telephone calls or an in-person session, please contact us at with your request at least two (2) weeks in advance so we may provide the appropriate accommodation.

Book a coach in my area

Start booking online by providing your organization's location, which will be used to match you with an OTF staff member in your area.

Enter your organization's postal code (e.g. "L0R 1H0")