Grow Grant Application Questions
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This page provides an overview of the Grow grant application and requirements.
We encourage you to use the assessment criteria to help you complete the application.
On this page
Organization Information
- Contacts
- Organization Details
- Mission and Activities
- Financial Health and Stability
- Governance
- Acknowledgements
Project Information
Organization Information
Question: Is your organization's Signatory Contact an existing contact for your organization? Yes/No
- If "no" is selected: Provide the following details about your Signatory Contact:
- Name
- Position
- Phone
The Signatory Contact is the person who has signing authority to legally bind your organization, has authorized this application and will be responsible for signing an OTF Grant Contract. |
Question: Provide the following details for your Organization Contact:
- Name
- Position
- Phone
The Organization Contact is the designated person who has the authority to submit this application. If you need to update your Organization Contact, someone in a senior position with signing authority in your organization, such as a President or Director, needs to email OTF’s Support Centre with the updated name, position, email and/or phone number. |
Organization Details
Checkbox: I have read and agree that this organization will comply with OTF's Anti-Discrimination Policy.
Checkbox: I have read and agree that this organization will comply with OTF’s Open Data Policy and that data provided throughout the application may be shared with other funders and/or may become public.
Question: Select your organization type:
- A charitable organization or public foundation registered as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency
- An organization incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation without share capital in a Canadian jurisdiction
- A First Nation
- A municipality with a population 20,000 or less, or their cultural and recreational agencies, including public libraries and museums
Applicants must be eligible for funding according to OTF’s Eligibility Policy and need to provide direct programs and services to Ontarians.
Question: Provide the following details about your organization:
- Legal name
- Operating name
- Preferred language of correspondence
- Incorporation number (for not-for-profits)
- Year of incorporation (for not-for-profits)
- Charitable registration number (for charities)
- Year of registration (for charities)
- 9-digit Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number. Learn more about submitting your business number.
- Street Address/RR or PO Box #
- City
- Province
- Postal code * format (X1X 1X1)
- Phone
- Website
- If your organization is active on social media, provide the social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram etc.) and handles you operate under.
Mission and Activities
Question: Provide your mission statement. Max 200 words.
If your organization does not have a formal mission statement, provide a statement that captures the organization's principal mandate or overarching goal. |
Question: Tell us about your typical activities, services or programs. Max 200 words.
Question: What sector does your organization operate in? Select the option that best fits.
- Arts/Culture
- Environment
- Human and Social Services
- Sports/Recreation
Question: How many people does your organization serve annually?
Question: Does your organization offer programs and/or services in both official languages? Yes/No.
- If "yes" is selected: How is your organization mandated to offer bilingual programs and/or services? Choose one of the following:
- Agency designated under the French Language Services Act
- Area designated under the French Language Services Act
- Mandated by Board of Directors and/or Funder
- Non-mandated but serving Francophone population
Question: Is a percentage of the selected population your organization serves Francophone? Yes/No.
- If "yes" is selected:
- What % of people served by your organization are offered programs and/or services in French? (100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%)
- What % of your organization's programs and/or services are offered in French? (100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%)
Question: On average, how many paid staff did your organization have over the last 12 months, regardless of full-time or part-time status?
Question: On average, how many volunteers did your organization have over the last 12 months, regardless of the number of hours volunteered?
Question: For each category below, select the population that your organization serves:
- Language of population served:
- Bilingual (French/English)
- Francophone (and offered services in French)
- Other Language excluding English or French
- General Population
- Gender of population served:
- Non-binary
- Trans-Men/Trans-Women
- Men/Boys
- Women/Girls
- General Population
- Lived-experience of population served:
- People living in low income
- People who are newcomers/refugees
- People living with disabilities
- People living with mental health challenges/addiction
- General population
- Identity of population served:
- Black
- Indigenous
- Other racialized groups
- General Population
Question: Does your organization’s leadership and/or decision-making entities (Board, executive team, senior leadership etc.) reflect the language, gender, lived-experience or cultural identities of the communities served by your organization?
- Yes
- Somewhat
- No
- Unsure
Financial Health and Stability
File upload: Upload your organization's most recent completed financial statements and surplus or deficit information, if required.
All applicants, except for Municipalities and First Nations, are required to comply with OTF’s Financial Statement Requirements.
Files must be uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, txt, odt, ods, png, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, or xlsx. |
Question: Does your organization have an accumulated surplus or a deficit that requires an explanation or plan? Yes/No
- If "yes" is selected: Upload a document explaining the reason for, and your plan to resolve, your surplus or deficit.
Review the required documentation for accumulated surplus and deficit. |
Question: Does your organization have a minimum of three active board members (active terms as of the grant application deadline date), with at least 50% of board members at an arm's length relationship to each other? Yes/No
- If "yes" is selected: We need your most current board list including their:
- First name
- Last name
- Term start date
- Term end date
- Position
- Arm’s length (yes/no)
Arm's Length Your organization must have a minimum of three active board members (term end dates must be on or after the grant application deadline date). To be eligible for funding, at least 50% must maintain an arm’s length relationship to each other.
All applicants, except for Municipalities and First Nations, need to provide governance information. |
Question: Do you have staff who are directors or at a higher level?
- If "yes" is selected: Provide details about your organization's senior staff (Director level and above):
- First name
- Last name
- Position
- Arm’s Length (yes/no) – in relation to other senior staff and board members
File Upload: Upload your organization’s By-Laws.
Files must be uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, txt, odt, ods, png, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, or xlsx. |
Checkbox: I confirm that the organization has financial management and conflict of interest policies in place.
Checkbox: I confirm that all the organization information provided is correct, up-to-date and complete.
Checkbox: I confirm that the correct type and year of financial statements have been uploaded based on our organization's total revenues and fiscal year-end, and the Board of Directors table has been updated.
Project Information
Question: Will the project activities funded by OTF take place in Ontario? Yes/No
Only project activities that take place in Ontario are eligible for funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). |
Data collection
The following questions are for data collection and will not be used to assess your grant application.
Question: What OTF supports did you use to prepare your application? Select all that apply.
- Support Centre
- Website
- Webinar
- Coaching call
- None of the above
Question: Select the populations who will primarily benefit from your project. If more than one selection fits your project in each category, choose "General Population".
- Age group of population served:
- Children up to 12 years
- Youth (13-24)
- Adults (25-64)
- Seniors (65 and over)
- General population (all age groups)
- Language of population served:
- Bilingual (English and French)
- Francophone (and offered services in French)
- Other language excluding English or French
- General population
- Gender of population served:
- Non-binary
- Trans-Men/Trans-Women
- Men/Boys
- Women/Girls
- General population
- Lived experience of population served:
- People living in low income
- People who are newcomers/refugees
- People living with disabilities
- People living with mental health challenges/addiction
- General population
- Identity of population served:
- Black
- Indigenous
- Other racialized groups
- General population
Question: Select the community size where this project will take place.
- Rural or Small Communities (20,000 or less)
- Mid-sized Communities (20,001 - 100,000)
- Urban Centres and Metropolitan Suburbs (100,000+)
Application Requirements
The following questions will be used to assess your grant application.
Question: Describe your project. Max. 200 words.
Question: Select the OTF catchment area where the main impact of project activities takes place.
Question: Select the census division.
- If Toronto is selected: Select the neighbourhood.
Question: Select your anticipated project start date.
The project start date must be between March 4, 2025 and September 3, 2025. All project start dates are dependant on the date of OTF’s notification of funding decisions and may need to be adjusted. |
Question: Select your requested term.
- 2 years
- 3 years
Question: Select the Funding Priority that best meets your project goals. Learn more about OTF's Grant Investment Framework.
- Foster physically active lifestyles
- Support participation in the conservation and restoration of the environment.
- Enrich lives through arts, culture, and heritage
- Help people build stronger connections and a deeper sense of belonging in their community
- Support youth to develop stronger social, emotional, leadership skills
- Enable economically vulnerable people to meet their basic needs and/or strengthen their financial stability
Eligible municipalities, country library boards and local service boards can only apply under “Foster physically active lifestyles” and “Enrich lives through arts, culture, and heritage”. |
Project Objectives
Grow grants support established programs and services that have a proven track record of success and effectively meet community need.
Question: Select one objective for your project.
- Expand an existing program or service
- Improve an existing program or service
- Adapt an existing program or service
Project Details
Question: Provide details about the existing program or service that you want to grow. Max. 200 words.
Question : Provide internal and external data, results, and examples that demonstrate the success of the existing program or service. Examples can include experiences of participants, staff, and volunteers. Max. 200 words.
Question: Outline your project and explain how you will expand, improve or adapt an existing program or service. Max. 200 words.
Question: Explain why you are doing this project and who in your community will primarily benefit. Max. 200 words.
Question: OTF requires Grow grantees to track the success of their project. Tell us what internal and external data, results, and examples you will track as part of this project. Max. 200 words.
Question: If your project will help populations who are experiencing barriers (e.g. socio-economic, geographic, cultural, gender, abilities and/or racial) to participate in your program, explain how. Max. 200 words.
Capital Costs
Up to 20% of your Budget can include capital-related costs that directly relate to your project objective. This includes the purchase of equipment (fixed and non-fixed) and/or the completion of renovations, repairs or retrofits.
Question: Are you including capital in your grant application? Yes/No
- If “yes” is selected for including capital: Upload the proof of ownership or lease agreement for your facilities or spaces.
- Checkbox: I understand the requirements for proof of ownership or a lease agreement with at least 5 years remaining at the time of the grant application deadline date.
Lease or Proof of Ownership
If an existing lease does not have at least 5 years remaining at the time of application, applicants are required to submit a letter from the Lessor documenting the commitment to renew the lease for a minimum of 5 years. This letter needs to be submitted with the existing lease and grant application. Municipalities need to provide a signed letter from a senior administrator confirming ownership, instead of ownership documents. First Nations are not required to provide proof of ownership or lease agreement. Learn more about OTF's Lease Agreement Requirements. Files must be uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, txt, odt, ods, png, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, or xlsx. |
- If “yes” is selected for including capital: Upload photos and diagrams demonstrating your funding needs. Include a maximum of 5 files and a short description for each.
Photos and Diagrams
Files must be uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, txt, odt, ods, png, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, or xlsx. |
Anticipated Project Results
To understand the impact of your Grow project and the anticipated project results, answer the following questions:
Question: How many people will directly benefit from your project? Include new and existing participants.
For all fields that are not applicable, enter “0":
Question: On average, how many program/operating hours will be added as a result of your project per year?
Question: How much space will be made available (created, maintained or improved) for community use as a result of your project?
- Square feet
- Square km
- Linear km
Collaborative Applications
Question: Is this a collaborative application? Yes/No
- If "yes" is selected:
- Add the names of the organizations listed in your Collaborative Agreement in the table provided.
- Upload your Collaborative Agreement.
Project Plan
Question: Complete a Project Plan that outlines the steps you need to take to meet your project objective.
- Step 1: Enter 3 to 5 project deliverables. Enter only 1 deliverable in each field. Focus on major milestones for your project.
- Project Deliverable 1
- Project Deliverable 2
- Project Deliverable 3
- Project Deliverable 4
- Project Deliverable 5
- Step 2: Click “Save My Work” to populate the Project Plan with your deliverables.
- Step 3: Click “Open” to complete the rest of the Project Plan. Ensure that your Project Plan and Budget reflect your selected requested term and project objective.
Below is a sample Project Plan entry:
Project Year | Project Deliverables | Key Tasks | Timing | Human and Financial Resources |
Year 1 | Outreach and promotion | Design outreach plan | April - June 2025 | Outreach coordinator time |
Year 1 | Outreach and promotion | Obtain input from partners on the plan | April - June 2025 | Outreach coordinator time |
Year 1 | Outreach and promotion | Promote the program through networks and social media | April - June 2025 | Outreach coordinator time |
Project Budget
Question: Complete a Project Budget that outlines the costs you are applying funding for.
- Step 1: Complete your Project Budget.
- Grow grants range from $100,000 to $600,000.
- You can request between $50,000 and $200,000 per year, for 2 or 3 years.
- Ensure that your Budget and Project Plan reflect your selected requested term and project objective.
- Step 2: Once your Budget is complete, you need to save your work.
- Step 3: You need to validate your Budget to verify that the amounts meet OTF requirements.
Eligible Budget Categories
You can apply for funding to cover project costs across the following categories:
- Direct Personnel Costs: OTF will support salaries, mandatory employment-related costs and employee benefits for staff positions funded specifically to carry out the project.
- Direct Non-Personnel Costs – Purchased Service
- Direct Non-Personnel Costs – Workshops/Meetings
- Direct Non-Personnel Costs – Supplies and Materials
- Direct Non-Personnel Costs – Travel
- Overhead and Administration Costs: OTF will support Overhead and Administration Costs directly associated with the project up to 15% of the Budget before applicable Capital Costs. These do not include the direct costs to run or deliver the project, including the staff or equipment associated with the project. It does include a portion of regular operational expenses that can be attributed specifically to this project. For more information, refer to the Eligibility Policy.
Eligible Capital Costs (if applicable)
Up to 20% of your Budget can include capital-related costs that directly relate to your project objective. This includes the purchase of equipment (fixed and non-fixed) and/or the completion of renovations, repairs or retrofits. Eligible Capital Costs include:
- Construction and Renovation Costs: This includes materials and/or contractor costs.
- Developmental Costs: If you have Developmental Costs, they cannot exceed 20% of your total Construction and Renovation Costs. Costs can include the development of engineering plans, legal fees, or survey costs.
- Equipment Costs: This includes fixed and non-fixed equipment.
Instructions Grow grants range from $100,000 to $600,000. You can request between $50,000 and $200,000 per year, for 2 or 3 years. Only include the amounts that you are requesting from OTF.
Below is a sample Budget entry:
Budget Categoryand Budget Item (Max. 10 words) | Request | Request | Cost Breakdown (Max. 25 words)and Total Requested Amount |
Direct Personnel Costs Youth Coordinator | $50,000 | $50,000 | 1 FTE Youth Coordinator Salary ($40,000/year + 25% MERC) = $50,000/year = $100,000 |
Quotes or estimates
Upload field: Upload your quotes or estimates.
Checkbox: I understand that a minimum of one quote or estimate (preferably two or more from different suppliers) needs to be uploaded with this application for all goods and services valued above $5,000. I also understand that multiple sub-contracts with a supplier on the same project will be considered as a cumulative total. This means if the total of these goods and services exceeds $5,000, a minimum of one itemized quote or estimate (preferably two or more from different suppliers) needs to be uploaded.
Checkbox: This application:
- Requires quotes and estimates and they have been uploaded
- Does not require quotes or estimates
For individual goods and services valued above $5,000:
Multiple sub-contracts with a supplier on the same project:
All documentation needs to be:
Files must be uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, txt, odt, ods, png, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, or xlsx. |
Additional Funds Needed To Complete Your Project
Where OTF funding represents a component of a larger project, applicants must demonstrate that the OTF-funded activities can be completed independently or that other funding sources have been secured. If this is not part of a larger project, you do not need to answer the remaining questions about amounts and sources of funding.
Question: Are additional funds needed to complete this project, outside of the OTF grant request? Yes/No
- If "yes" is selected:
- What is the total project cost?
- How much funding have you secured from sources excluding OTF?
- List the sources of secured funding for this project and indicate how the funds will be used.
- If applicable, what is your plan to obtain any unsecured funds required for this project?
Project Description
Question: To complete your project description, describe your project in 20 words.
[Grantee Operating Name] will use a $XX Grow grant grant over XX months to [describe your project up to 20 words].
This description will be used on the OTF website and grant contract if the grant application is approved. |
Review OTF’s Policies and confirm that your organization and this project comply with OTF's requirements.
Checkbox: I have reviewed OTF’s policies and I confirm that my organization and this project comply with OTF’s requirements.
Checkbox: The information contained in this application and the accompanying documents is true, accurate and complete.
Checkbox: I understand the importance of avoiding any conflicts of interest (or the appearance thereof) when obtaining goods and/or services.
Checkbox: I understand that should this application be approved, our organization will be required to enter into a formal, legally binding agreement with the Ontario Trillium Foundation that is based on the information in this application and includes the terms and conditions of the grant.
Checkbox: A representative with designated signing/decision-making authority for our organization has authorized this application.
Checkbox: I understand that if this application is approved, my organization may be required to submit updated organization information at any time throughout the life of the grant.
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