Organizational Mentor Application Questions

Grassroots Groups that want to apply for a Youth Innovations or Family Innovations grant must partner with an Organizational Mentor (OM) and enter into a collaborative agreement. OMs provide administrative support, project mentoring, and financial accountability to Grassroots Groups.

OTF will review and assess if an organization meets the eligibility criteria for Organizational Mentors when they submit their Organization Information. Eligible organizations will be invited to complete the Organizational Mentor application. 

Use the Organizational Mentor application questions noted on this page to prepare ahead of time.

Organization Information


Question: Is your organization's Signatory Contact an existing contact for your organization? Yes/No

  • If no: Provide the following details about your Signatory Contact:
    • Name
    • Position
    • Email
    • Phone
The Signatory Contact is the person who has signing authority to legally bind your organization, has authorized this application and will be responsible for signing an OTF Grant Contract.

Question: Provide the following details for your Organization Contact:

  • Name
  • Position
  • Email
  • Phone
The Organization Contact is the designated person who has the authority to submit this application. If you need to update your Organization Contact, someone in a senior position with signing authority in your organization, such as a President or Director, needs to email OTF’s Support Centre with the updated name, position, email and/or phone number.

Organization Details

Checkbox: I have read and agree that this organization will comply with OTF's Anti-Discrimination Policy.

Checkbox: I have read and agree that this organization will comply with OTF’s Open Data Policy and that data provided throughout the application may be shared with other funders and/or may become public.

Question: Select your organization type:

  • A charitable organization or public foundation registered as a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency
  • An organization incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation without share capital in a Canadian jurisdiction
  • A First Nation
  • A municipality with a population 20,000 or less, or their cultural and recreational agencies, including public libraries and museums

Applicants must be eligible for funding according to OTF’s Eligibility Policy and need to provide direct programs and services to Ontarians.

  • Organizations that are both an incorporated not‐for‐profit and a registered charity should apply as a charity.
  • County Library Boards and Local Services Boards should apply as a municipality with a population of 20,000 or less.
  • A municipality with a population of 20,000 or less or First Nations seeking funding for their libraries, must apply on behalf of the library.
  • A Chartered Community Council, operating under the Métis Nation of Ontario is to apply through the Métis Nation of Ontario.
  • Inuit-led organizations should apply as either a charitable organization or an incorporated not for profit organization, as applicable.


Question: Provide the following details about your organization:

  • Legal name
  • Operating name
  • Preferred language of correspondence
  • Incorporation number (for not-for-profits)
  • Year of incorporation (for not-for-profits)
  • Charitable registration number (for charities)
  • Year of registration (for charities)
  • 9-digit Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number. Learn more about submitting your business number.
  • Address
  • Street Address/RR or PO Box #
  • City
  • Province
  • Postal code * format (X1X 1X1)
  • Phone
  • Website
  • If your organization is active on social media, provide the social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram etc.) and handles you operate under.


Mission and Activities

Question: Provide your mission statement. Max 200 words.

If your organization does not have a formal mission statement, provide a statement that captures the organization's principal mandate or overarching goal.

Question: Tell us about your typical activities, services or programs. Max 200 words.

Question: What sector does your organization operate in? Select the option that best fits.

  • Arts/Culture
  • Environment
  • Human and Social Services
  • Sports/Recreation

Question: How many people does your organization serve annually?

Question: Does your organization offer programs and/or services in both official languages? Yes/No.

  • If yes: How is your organization mandated to offer bilingual programs and/or services? Choose one of the following: 
    • Agency designated under the French Language Services Act
    • Area designated under the French Language Services Act
    • Mandated by Board of Directors and/or Funder
    • Non-mandated but serving Francophone population

Question: Is a percentage of the selected population your organization serves Francophone? Yes/No.

  • If yes:
    • What % of people served by your organization are offered programs and/or services in French? (100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%)
    • What % of your organization's programs and/or services are offered in French? (100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%)

Question: On average, how many paid staff did your organization have over the last 12 months, regardless of full-time or part-time status?

Question: On average, how many volunteers did your organization have over the last 12 months, regardless of the number of hours volunteered?

Question: For each category below, select the population that your organization serves:

  • Language of population served:
    • Bilingual (French/English) 
    • Francophone (and offered services in French)
    • Other Language excluding English or French
    • General Population
  • Gender of population served:
    • Non-binary
    • Trans-Men/Trans-Women
    • Men/Boys
    • Women/Girls
    • General Population
  • Lived-experience of population served:
    • People living in low income 
    • People who are newcomers/refugees 
    • People living with disabilities
    • People living with mental health challenges/addiction
    • General population
  • Identity of population served:  
    • Black
    • Indigenous
    • 2SLGBTQIA+
    • Other racialized groups
    • General Population

Question: Does your organization’s leadership and/or decision-making entities (Board, executive team, senior leadership etc.) reflect the language, gender, lived-experience or cultural identities of the communities served by your organization?  

  • Yes  
  • Somewhat  
  • No  
  • Unsure  

Financial Health and Stability

File upload: Upload your organization's most recent completed financial statements.

All applicants, except for Municipalities and First Nations, are required to comply with OTF’s Financial Statement Requirements

  • OTF requires financial statements for your 2 recent fiscal years, which need to be completed within 5 months of your fiscal year-end.
  • If your organization has been operating for less than two years, you will need to submit at least one full fiscal year of financial statements from the date of incorporation or charitable registration.
  • Organizations that submit incorrect or incomplete financial statements or are missing surplus and deficit information will be declined.

Files must be uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, txt, odt, ods, png, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, or xlsx.  

Question: Does your organization have an accumulated surplus or a deficit? Yes/No

  • If yes: Upload your surplus or deficit information.


Question: Does your organization have a minimum of three active board members (active terms as of grant application deadline date), with at least 50% of board members at an arm's length relationship to each other? Yes/No 

  • If yes: We need your most current board list including: 
    • First name  
    • Last name 
    • Term start date 
    • Term end date  
    • Position 
    • Arm’s length (yes/no) 

All applicants, except for Municipalities and First Nations, need to provide governance information.

Arm's Length

Your organization must have a minimum of three active board members (term end dates must be on or after the grant application deadline date). To be eligible for funding, at least 50% must maintain an arm’s length relationship to each other.

  • Answer yes if: board members and organization executives are not married or related to each other, do not work as business partners or are not otherwise in a relationship where interests may be compromised.
  • Answer no if: board members and organization executives are married or related to each other, do work as business partners or are otherwise in a relationship where interests may be compromised.


Question: Do you have staff who are directors or at a higher level? 

  • If yes: Provide details about your organization's senior staff (Director level and above): 
    • First name  
    • Last name  
    • Position 
    • Arm’s Length (yes/no) – in relation to other senior staff and board members 

File Upload: Upload your organization’s By-Laws. 

Files must be uploaded in one of the following formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, doc, docx, txt, odt, ods, png, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, or xlsx.



Checkbox: I confirm that the organization has financial management and conflict of interest policies in place.

Checkbox: I confirm that all the organization information provided is correct, up-to-date and complete.

Checkbox: I confirm that the correct type and year of financial statements have been uploaded based on our organization's total revenues and fiscal year-end, and the Board of Directors table has been updated.

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Organizational Mentor Application Questions

Tab 1: Authorization

Question: Confirm that the decision to be an Organizational Mentor has been authorized by your organization's Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Director, or someone of equivalent authority in your organization. Yes/No

This is a requirement for Organizational Mentors.

Question: Who in your organization has authorized the decision to be an Organizational Mentor?

  • Name
  • Position/Title
  • Phone number
  • Email
Participation as an Organizational Mentor requires authorization from an individual that is at a senior leadership level.

Question: As an Organizational Mentor, does your organization agree to assume all legal and fiduciary responsibility for a grassroots project, just as you would with all other projects and activities of your organization? Yes/No

This is a requirement for Organizational Mentors.

Question: In your organization, who is or will be responsible for managing these projects and relationships on a day-to-day basis?

  • Name
  • Position/Title
  • Phone number
  • Email


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Tab 2: Organizational Capacity

Question: Does your organization have a minimum of $250,000 in annual revenues for each of the past two fiscal years? Yes/No

This is a requirement for Organizational Mentors. 

Question: Has your organization acted as an Organizational Mentor in the past? Yes/No

Question: Does your organization have the infrastructure to support grassroots projects? Yes/No

This is a requirement for Organizational Mentors. 
Some grassroots groups are very new and have come together to test new ideas, lead research, or strategize around pressing issues. Other groups have a longer track record and are being funded through YOF to scale or expand a tested idea. This means that groups may require different levels of support. 

Your organization has the infrastructure to support grassroots projects if: 

  • You have the staff to support these projects administratively.
  • The roles and responsibilities of your staff team are clearly defined and can be shared with project leaders.
  • The infrastructure, such as the relevant financial and human resources (HR) policies and procedures, are in place and can be shared with project leaders.

Question: In addition to administering projects, Organizational Mentors provide mentoring supports to project leaders during the life of the grant. Does your organization have the capacity and interest to mentor project leaders? Yes/No

This looks like coaching project leaders or supporting groups to reflect on what is working best in their project delivery. YOF also provides coaching to project leaders and this work can be shared between your organization and YOF.

Question: Does your organization have insurance coverage, including but not limited to property insurance, casualty insurance, and general liability insurance, that can be extended to the grassroots group for the duration of the grant? Yes/No

This is a requirement for Organizational Mentors.
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Tab 3: Organizational Mentor Profile

Question: Your organization is: Check all that apply.

  • Indigenous-led
  • Black-led

Question: Select the types of projects that your organization would be interested in supporting as an Organizational Mentor. Select at least one.

  • Creating safe spaces for Indigenous youth and families to build strong cultural and community connections
  • Creating safe spaces for Black youth and families to build strong cultural and community connections
  • Education and training
  • Employment and training
  • Youth justice
  • Systems navigation
  • Housing and social supports
  • Improving access to resources for economic stability
  • Arts and culture 
  • Increasing access to mentors
  • Other (Describe any other types of projects your organization has the capacity and mandate to support.)

Question: Select at least one catchment area where your organization can administer projects and mentor groups.

Use the census division breakdown to indicate more specific regions where your organization is able to administer projects and mentor groups. Select at least one census division per selected catchment.

Question: Is your organization interested in participating in online and in-person knowledge exchange sessions with other Organizational Mentors across the province? Yes/No

Question: A list of organizations that have expressed interest in being an Organizational Mentor to grassroots groups and their projects is published on the OTF website. The list includes: organization name, contact name, your geographic reach, and types of grassroots projects you are interested in working with. Does your organization give permission to be added to this list? Yes/No

Question: If your application is accepted, do you give OTF permission to refer grassroots groups that match your profile to your organization Yes/No

Question: Provide the contact information for the individual responsible for connecting with grassroots groups: 

  • Name
  • Position/Title
  • Phone number
  • Email


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Tab 4: Acknowledgments

Checkbox: I understand that to be an Organizational Mentor with the Youth Opportunities Fund, our organization must be verified as eligible to receive funds from OTF.

Checkbox: Our organization's Board of Directors has agreed to submit this application and understands the required roles and responsibilities of being the grantee and an Organizational Mentor to a Grassroots Group.

Checkbox: I understand that if our organization is approved for a YOF grant in collaboration with a Grassroots Group, we will be required to enter into a formal, legally-binding agreement with the Ontario Trillium Foundation that will outline the terms and conditions of the grant, and our responsibilities as grantee.

Checkbox: I understand that if our organization is approved for a YOF grant in collaboration with a grassroots group, we will be required to purchase and maintain adequate insurance coverage for the duration of the grant.

Checkbox: I understand that if our organization is approved for a YOF grant in collaboration with a Grassroots Group, the Ontario Trillium Foundation will not reimburse any expenses incurred prior to the project start date for the grant.

Checkbox: I understand that as an Organizational Mentor, we are the legal grantee and will be responsible for reviewing and submitting to OTF the required Progress Reports and Final Reports.

Checkbox: I understand that as an Organizational Mentor, we are the legal grantee and will participate in bi-annual check-ins with the Grassroots Group and an OTF Program Manager.

A family working together on a laptop

Youth Opportunities Fund grants

Whether your grassroots group wants to pilot a new project or expand an existing one, a range of grants may be the right fit for you.

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