Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Policy
Type: Operational
Target audience: Employees, Volunteers
1.0 Rationale
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is required by its Agency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to operate in accordance with the Management Board of Cabinet Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expense Directive (Directive).
2.0 Purpose
In accordance to the Directive, the purpose of this policy is:
- To set out rules and principles for the reimbursement of expenses to ensure fair and reasonable practices;
- To provide a framework of accountability to guide the effective oversight of public resources in the reimbursement of expenses; and
- To set the parameters for the public disclosure of information about expenses.
3.0 Policy
The Directive sets out the rules for managing travel, meal and hospitality expenses for the government of Ontario. OTF staff and public appointees (Board, GRT and GRC members) are required to adhere to these rules.
In order to ensure compliance, claimants are required to plan and book their travel using the current management-approved process. Approvers should make their decisions based on the principles listed in the Directive that include:
- Taxpayer dollars are used prudently and responsibly with a focus on accountability and transparency
- Expenses for travel, meals, and hospitality support government objectives
- Plans for travel, meals, accommodation and hospitality are necessary and economical with due regard for health and safety.
- Legitimate authorized expenses incurred during the course of government business are reimbursed​
Approvals for reimbursement will follow the delegation of authority outlined in the Directive.
Eligible expenses for consultants and other contractors are based on the list included in the Directive.
4.0 Definitions
Approver: refers to the person with the authority to make approvals under the Directive.
Claimant: refers to any person making a claim under the terms of the Directive.
Delegation of Authority: A written assignment by which a person who has a power, duty, function or responsibility under the Directive authorizes another person (identified by name or by position title) to exercise the power, duty, function or responsibility.
Hospitality: The provision of food, beverage, accommodation, transportation and other amenities at public expense to people who are not engaged in work for the government of Ontario.
5.0 Key Words
Finance; Financial; Funding; Travel; Meals; Expense; Claims; Food