Transfer of Active Grants Policy
Type: Granting
Target audience: Applicants, Grantees
1.0 Rationale
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) ensures the accountability of public funds through a fair and transparent application assessment process. Funding decisions are based on the recommendations by volunteer Grant Review Teams (GRT) and approved by OTF’s Board of Directors.
2.0 Purpose
The Transfer of Active Grants Policy provides clarity to OTF's approach to transferring active grants. It ensures the decision-making principles applied during the assessment process are maintained throughout the life of a grant.
3.0 Policy
3.1 Transfer of an Active Grant
OTF does not transfer active grants from the approved grantee to another organization. This includes transferring a grant from the lead organization in a collaborative project to another member of the collaborative.
In cases where a grantee organization can no longer deliver the program or activities funded by the grant, OTF will rescind the grant.
3.2 Administrative Transfers of an Active Grant
OTF may consider specific administrative transfers.
Administrative transfers considered are:
- The grantee changes its legal name and/or legal status without significantly changing its mandate, objectives, purpose, or activities
- The grantee amalgamates, merges, or consolidates with one or more organizations without significantly changing its mandate, objectives, purpose, or activities.
- The administrative transfer was outlined in the original grant application
Types of administrative transfer which will not be considered:
- The grantee undergoes a change that includes or results in significant changes to the organization’s eligibility, mandate, objectives, purpose, or activities.
- The grantee’s legal status changes and is not in line with OTF’s Eligibility Policy (i.e., becomes unincorporated, incorporated with share capital)
- The grantee amalgamates, merges, or consolidates with one or more organizations resulting in significant changes to its mandate, objectives, purpose, or activities
3.3 Administrative Transfer Requirements
All requests for administrative transfers must include appropriate documentation and meet OTF eligibility requirements. Documentation required is based on the type of administrative transfer and may include:
A. A copy of the grantee’s (and all impacted organizations) BOD resolution to approve the organizational change.
B. Legal documentation supporting the change including new status documents outlining name change or incorporation and/or charitable registration change.
C. A progress report showing OTF grant monies expensed, and details of activities completed, and metrics achieved to date for the active grant.
D. The following information is required of an organization assuming responsibility for the active grant:
- Organization address, website, phone number.
- Name of the Signatory Contact
- NFP registration number and/or charitable registration number
- A description of the organizational mandate, mission, and typical programs/activities.
- Financial statements (that meet the financial requirements based on organization size) for the new organization. This may mean separate financial statements from 2 or more organizations.
- A list of their new or updated BOD List including names, positions, and terms (start and end dates) for each member.
- Any other relevant documentation that documents the nature of the acquisition (confirming that all assets, liabilities, staff, etc. are being transferred and the date this takes effect).
- Written confirmation that the organization understands and is following OTF’s Anti-Discrimination Policy, Eligibility Policy and is willing to take on the legal responsibility of the OTF grant(s).
4.0 Definitions
Amalgamation: An organization acquires one or more organizations with a related mandate, purpose, objectives, and activities.
Merger: Two or more organizations combine to form a single organization. The organization taking over is left as the existing entity.
Consolidation: Two or more organizations combine to form a new single organization.