OTF invests $14M to support 39 Youth Opportunities Fund projects

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is pleased to announce this year’s grant recipients through the Youth Opportunities Fund. Across three grant streams, $14 million has been awarded to support 39 grassroots groups and collaboratives to improve the lives of young people and families in Ontario.
Through the Youth Opportunities Fund, OTF invests in projects that address the experiences of youth and families who continue to face systemic barriers and oppression, while prioritizing Black and Indigenous communities.
Grants awarded support grassroots groups and community-based collaboratives led by people who share identities, lived experiences and who face the same systemic barriers as those who will benefit from their projects.
This year, OTF is funding 39 projects across the Youth Opportunities Fund’s three grant streams:
- System Innovations: More than $3.6M has been awarded to 5 projects led by collaboratives.
- Family Innovations: Nearly $4M has been awarded to 12 projects led by and for parents, guardians and caregivers.
- Youth Innovations: More than $6.5M has been awarded to 22 projects led by and for youth.
Explore this year’s grants awarded through the Youth Opportunities Fund.
By strengthening the systems that impact young people and families, these projects will develop solutions to meet the diverse needs of communities, increase access to resources and support, and create positive change in sectors such as education, health and wellness, justice, and child welfare.
“Addressing systemic barriers is a collaborative effort and requires the coordination of organizations, grassroots groups and leaders in all our communities for that change to be impactful, meaningful and long-lasting. We are pleased to invest in projects that will create greater opportunities for youth and families to thrive and contribute to a brighter future for all of Ontario. Thank you to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services for their commitment to this program,”
said Katharine Bambrick, CEO of the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Highlight of Awarded Grants
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation:
With a two-year $457,900 System Innovations grant, this project focuses on completing groundwork and developing approaches to increase educational attainment for Indigenous youth in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation. They will explore holistic and effective ways to engage youth, establish a student-centered approach, incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing into existing curriculums, and create accessible learning opportunities for youth wanting to live in community and participate in the national economy.
Les Parents S’y Mettent c/o Centre canadien pour l'unité de famille (CCF):
With a three-year $300,000 Family Innovations grant, they will deliver culturally tailored workshops for Black Francophone newcomer parents, guardians and caregivers in Toronto and Durham. This work focuses on positive parenting practices and the importance of family environment on academic success to address risks of youth school drop-outs.
Youth Engagement and Community Outreach c/o Britannia Woods Community House:
With a three-year $232,500 Youth Innovations grant, this project will address racism through a participatory photovoice art project for Black youth in low-income neighbourhoods in the Ottawa region. This work will encourage dialogue on the impacts of racism and will increase understanding and solidarity among diverse communities.
Quick Facts
- This year, the Youth Opportunities Fund celebrates its 10-year anniversary.
- Since its inception in 2013, the Youth Opportunities Fund has delivered more than $125 million in grants to 400 grassroots groups and collaboratives. Explore all grants awarded through the Youth Opportunities Fund.
- The Ontario Trillium Foundation administers the Youth Opportunities Fund on behalf of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services to improve the lives of young people in Ontario experiencing systemic barriers with a focus on Black and Indigenous youth and families.