Community Building Fund - Financial Workbook Instructions

Before completing the financial workbook in your grant application, please read these instructions carefully.

Please ensure the funding you are requesting aligns with the Community Building Fund – Capital stream. Ask only for what you need, because the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) funds full request amounts and we want to fund as many applications as possible.

In your financial workbook, only include costs to be covered by your grant request. Do not include ineligible costs as this will result in your application being declined.

How much can you apply for?

The Community Building Fund – Capital stream will cover 100% of total project costs for a maximum of $500,000. Except for municipalities with a population over 20,000, or their sport and recreation agencies, which can apply for only up to 80% of total project costs for a maximum of $500,000.

  • Total funding requested must be a minimum of $10,000
  • Grant terms are 6 or 12 months. 

Types of costs that are eligible for funding

Eligible project costs include:

  1. Construction / Renovation: Includes materials, labour for construction and/or installation 
  2. Fixed Equipment: Large-scale fixed equipment for installation 
  3. Developmental: Developmental costs and/or project management costs to a maximum of 20% of the OTF request amount

Please note

  • Taxes, such as GST and HST, for which the recipient is eligible for a tax rebate (and all other costs eligible for rebates) are not eligible.
  • Contingency costs are not eligible. OTF will only consider project costs that are clearly identified and eligible for consideration. Do not include contingencies in your Financial Workbook.
  • Costs incurred before the approval of the request to OTF are not eligible.  
  • Municipalities that receive grants of $100,000 or more will be required to purchase, produce and install an Ontario Builds sign.

Quotes or estimates

Quotes or estimates prepared by a professional or third party are required documentation. They enable organizations to establish accurate budget amounts and demonstrates the best value for money. OTF therefore requires a minimum of one and prefers to receive two or more sets of quotes or estimates.

OTF Budget Request

Budget notes are required in the Financial Workbook - be clear about your funding needs by providing a breakdown of the costs for which you are seeking OTF funding. Budget notes should apply only to the identified costs.

OTF Budget Category Amount

Notes (examples)

Construction / Renovation  Includes materials, labour for construction and/or installation
  • Contractor costs to renovate and make accessible the sportsplex changerooms: $55,000 (quotes received)
  • Repairs to the Sports Hall gymnasium floor: $10,500 (quotes received)
  • Accessible pathways at outdoor recreational complexes $30,000 (estimate received)
  • Purchase and Install touchless doors and sinks to washrooms in 3 arenas: $75,000 (quotes received)
Fixed Equipment  Large-scale fixed equipment for installation
  • New HVAC system for Town sports complex $97,000 (quotes received)
  • Curling rink refrigeration system $50,000, (quotes received)
  • Lighting for outdoor soccer field $100,000, (quotes received)
Developmental Developmental costs and/or project management costs to a maximum of 20% of the total grant request
  • Development costs such as engineering work, architectural plans, or survey costs, permits, etc.
  • Project manager experienced in managing accessibility retrofits: $12,000 ($1,000 per week for 12 weeks)
Total OTF Budget Request


For Municipalities Only

Ontario Builds sign

Municipalities that receive grants of $100,000 or more will be required to purchase, produce and install an Ontario Builds sign

Municipalities are required to include $10,000 in their Total OTF Budget Request to cover the cost of an Ontario Builds sign. Project costs, prior to adding the signage cost, must be $100,000 or more.  

Projects are funded to a maximum of $500,000, inclusive of the $10,000 signage cost.