Who We Are
Get to know more about the Ontario Trillium Foundation, our goals, and our impact.
About Us
Discover more about our 40 years of granting, as well as the mission and values, commitments, and Investment Strategy that drives how we work and what we fund.
Impact in Ontario
At OTF, we believe that making a difference begins with measuring the impact of the investments made into communities.
Our Leadership
OTF’s Senior Leadership Team and Board of Directors use their expertise and knowledge to support the work of staff, grantees, and applicants across Ontario.
OTF volunteers make granting recommendations for community-based projects that will create significant positive impact in our communities.
Partnership Investments
Our partnerships program connects the non-profit, public, and private sectors to build a stronger non-profit sector in Ontario.
Stay Informed
Get the latest OTF news and resources to support your organization and community.
Work at OTF
Join our team of passionate, life-long learners and make a real difference across Ontario.
Our Policies
OTF policies govern the way we do business, including our application and assessment process.
As an agency of the Government of Ontario, we are accountable for our funds, follow government requirements, and post our financial statements.