Frequently Asked Questions

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Step 1: Identify the information or records you want.

If you need help, the Directory of Records describes the kinds of information held by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Step 2: If you need assistance, please contact

The Privacy and Freedom of Information Coordinator:

  • Deals with FOI requests made to Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF)
  • Can tell you what information is held by OTF
  • Can let you know if you can get the information, without making a formal FOI request

Step 3: Make an official request (if needed).

  • Prepare a written letter providing sufficient information to identify the records you want (or complete an Access or Correction Form).
  • Submit your letter or completed form to:
    • Ontario Trillium Foundation
      c/o Workhaus
      180 Dundas Street West, 25th Floor
      Toronto, ON  M5G 1Z8
  • Please include the $5 application fee, payable to the Ontario Trillium Foundation, in cheque or money order.

You will get a written response to confirm that your request has been received.

Organizations have 30 calendar days to process FOI requests except in specific circumstances, such as having to search through a large volume of records or if we need to seek consent to disclose information about a third party. We will notify you if a time extension is required.

In addition to the $5 application fee, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act allows us to charge certain fees to process your request. Examples of these fees include: 

  • $30 per hour to search and prepare records
  • $0.20 per page for photocopying
  • $10 for a USB if digital copies are requested

You will receive a fee estimate if your processing fees will be more than $25. When processing fees are over $100, a deposit may be required.

Not all information is available through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. Some records cannot be released under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Exclusions and exemptions include:

  • Records containing certain law enforcement information
  • Personal information that could invade the privacy of an individual
  • Certain records supplied in confidence by a third party
  • Most labour relations records

You have the right to appeal any decision about access to records, made by organizations that are covered under Freedom of Information laws.

This includes appealing, if your request for information is denied.

You may file an appeal with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario within 30 calendar days of the organization giving notice of its decision.

More information on the appeals process.