A Refreshed Grant Investment Framework

The non-profit sector plays a critical role in Ontario. With evolving needs and priorities across the sector, OTF identified an important opportunity to update its granting approach to better meet the needs of Ontario’s community-based organizations.
Our updated grant investment framework provides a simpler and more focused approach that enables applicants to align their project goals with OTF’s funding priorities more easily and effectively. Our framework provides strategic direction for our grant programs over the coming years to help applicants deliver the services and programs that are essential to building communities that thrive.
Who we fund
We support eligible organizations and community groups that have a primary purpose, presence, and reputation for delivering community-based programs and services with direct community benefit in Ontario.
What we fund
We identified the priorities we will invest in that will have a positive impact for Ontarians. Each grant program has identified its own unique priorities relevant to the program.
How we fund
Our grant programs define the types of projects and partnerships we fund. We offer Seed, Grow and Capital grants, Youth Opportunities Fund grants, and the Partnership Investments program.
Seed, Grow and Capital grants: Simplified funding priorities
Our six funding priorities focus on core areas that identify the types of change we invest in. Applicants can identify the funding priority that best fits with their project goals.
- Foster physically active lifestyles
- Support participation in the conservation and restoration of the environment
- Enrich lives through arts, culture, and heritage
- Help people build stronger connections and a deeper sense of belonging in their community
- Support youth to develop stronger social, emotional, leadership skills
- Enable economically vulnerable people to meet their basic needs and/or strengthen their financial stability
Upcoming deadlines
Applicants can apply for a community-based grant to meet a variety of needs through our Seed, Grow and Capital grant streams for 2024. Review the grant application deadlines.
Stay tuned for Capital grants!
Interested applicants can explore the updated Capital grant application and requirements starting mid-December 2023.