Let’s celebrate Pride!

Group of people holding a large pride flag

June is Pride, a monthlong celebration of the diversity and acceptance of LGBTTQ+ people in our communities. Celebrated all over the world, it is a time to recognize the many achievements LGBTTQ+ people and allies have made in advancing LGBTTQ+ rights. Pride also commemorates the many people whose lives have been lost to HIV/AIDS and hate crimes.

At the Ontario Trillium Foundation, we are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are proud to participate in Pride Month and celebrate the uniqueness of all individuals.

Over the last number of years, we have embraced opportunities to help us create an inclusive and safe workplace. In 2018, we became certified as a Positive Space employer through the Ontario Public Service. This means we promote and encourage safe spaces for all individuals of the LGBTTQ+ community. 

Our staff take part in yearly training sessions on inclusive language, anti-discrimination, and learning on LGBTTQ+ history and communities. We are also committed to living our values, and discrimination will not be tolerated, condoned, or ignored amongst OTF staff members, volunteers and grantees.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation looks forward to celebrating Pride Month and recognizing the diversity within our communities!