Centre canadien pour l'unité de famille (CCF) - OM for/pour LES PARENTS S'Y METTENT

Centre canadien pour l'unité de famille (CCF) - OM for/pour LES PARENTS S'Y METTENT

Grant programYouth Opportunities Fund
Grant typeYOF - Family Innovations
Amount awarded$300,000
Duration36 months
Location served
? Location is based on our catchment areas, visit our catchment area tool to learn more.
Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge, Toronto
Population servedBlack parents, guardians, and caregivers, Newcomer parents, guardians, and caregivers, Francophone parents, guardians, and caregivers, Parents, guardians, and caregivers in low income situations, Parents, guardians, and caregivers whose children are at-risk of dropping out or have dropped out of school
Age groupNot applicable
Description Delivering a project at the idea or conceptual stage with a $300,000 grant over 3 years to promote positive parenting practices, through culturally tailored workshops for Black Francophone newcomer parents, guardians and caregivers in Toronto and Durham, to address the risk of youth school drop-outs, by educating on the impact the family environment has on academic success.
Grant resultSupporting parents, guardians and caregivers to effectively navigate, access, and influence systems that affect family well-being