Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre

Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre

Grant programYouth Opportunities Fund
Grant typeYOF - System Innovations
Amount awarded$500,000
Duration24 months
Location served
? Location is based on our catchment areas, visit our catchment area tool to learn more.
Population servedBlack youth, Racialized youth, Newcomer youth, Youth in conflict or at risk of being in conflict with the law, Youth in low-income situations or from low-income families, Youth who are not engaged and/or at risk of not being engaged with education, employment, and training programs
Age group15 to 19 years, 20 to 25 years
DescriptionSupporting collaborative work with a $500,000 grant over 2 years to conduct the groundwork to strengthen the employment system for Black, racialized and newcomer youth in the Jane-Finch area. The objectives of the project are to develop a robust, well-coordinated local employment ecosystem and upward mobility for youth, and to maximize existing city-wide initiatives as well as current and future economic opportunities for youth.
Grant resultSupporting Indigenous, Black, and/or newcomer youth to enter the labour market and transition to sustainable career pathways
Grant statusActive