SoundCheck Youth Arts - OM for/pour Black Gold Archival Projects

SoundCheck Youth Arts - OM for/pour Black Gold Archival Projects

Grant programYouth Opportunities Fund
Grant typeYOF - Youth Innovations
Amount awarded$255,000
Duration36 months
Location served
? Location is based on our catchment areas, visit our catchment area tool to learn more.
Population servedBlack/Afro-diasporic/Afro-Caribbean and/or Afro-Latinx youth
Age group15 to 19 years, 20 to 25 years
DescriptionDelivering a project at the idea or conceptual stage with a $255,000 grant over 36 months to create a safe, creative space to address anti-Black racism while building cultural connections among young Black people in Toronto. The program connects youth with prominent Black figures in Ontario to learn more about Black Canadian history and be part of a seven-month podcast project of conducting interviews and developing skills involving the collection of oral histories, promotion and podcast production
Grant resultCreating safe spaces for Indigenous and/or Black youth to build strong community and cultural connections