Justice for Children and Youth

Justice for Children and Youth

Grant programYouth Opportunities Fund
Grant typeYOF - System Innovations
Amount awarded$1,500,000
Duration72 months
Location served
? Location is based on our catchment areas, visit our catchment area tool to learn more.
Population servedBlack youth, Racialized youth
Age group12 to 14 years, 15 to 19 years, 20 to 25 years
DescriptionSupporting collaborative work with a $1,500,000 grant over 6 years to assist with staffing and resourcing to address the othering and exclusion that limits equitable access to education for for racialized students, ages 12-25, with precarious immigration status in the Greater Toronto area, creating changes in policy, practices and attitudes to promote an ‘inclusion mindset’ leading to greater access to, and more equitable participation within, schools and postsecondary education.
Grant resultAddressing racism and its impacts on youth in urban, rural and/or Northern communities