Elephant Thoughts Educational Outreach - OM for/pour Generation Chos3n

Elephant Thoughts Educational Outreach - OM for/pour Generation Chos3n

Grant programYouth Opportunities Fund
Grant typeYOF - Youth Innovations
Amount awarded$450,000
Duration36 months
Location served
? Location is based on our catchment areas, visit our catchment area tool to learn more.
Population servedBlack youth, Racialized youth
Age group12 to 29 years for youth living with mental health needs and/or addictions
Description Delivering a project that builds on the success of a proven model or program with a $450,000 grant over 3 years to destigmatize mental health support through culturally responsive group sessions for Black youth aged 12-29 in the Jane and Finch community, addressing the impacts of anti-Black racism faced by these youth.
Grant resultAddressing racism and its impacts on youth in urban, rural and/or Northern communities