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Youth Opportunities Fund
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Youth Innovations Scale Grant
Family Innovations Test Grant
Family Innovations Scale Grant
System Innovations Grant
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Community Building Fund
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Economic Recovery and Resilience Fund
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Our Grants
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Grants Awarded
Filter by
Organization name
Grant program
Community Building Fund
Community Investments
Other Programs
Resilient Communities Fund
Youth Opportunities Fund
Grant type
CI - Capital
CI - Collective Impact
CI - Grow
CI - Provincial Impact
CI - Seed
Community Building Fund - Capital
Community Building Fund - Operating
Other - Ontario150
Resilient Communities Fund
YOF - Economic Recovery and Resilience Fund
YOF - Family Innovations
YOF - Grassroots Innovation
YOF - Strategic Collaboration
YOF - System Innovations
YOF - Youth Innovations
Location served
Algoma, Cochrane, Manitoulin & Sudbury
Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge
Essex, Kent, Lambton
Grand River
Grey, Bruce, Huron & Perth
Halton Peel
Muskoka, Nipissing, Parry Sound & Timiskaming
Ontario Mandate
Province Wide
Quinte, Kingston, Rideau
Simcoe York
Thames Valley
Waterloo, Wellington & Dufferin
Age group
12 to 14 years
12 to 29 years for youth living with disabilities and/or special needs
12 to 29 years for youth living with mental health needs and/or addictions
12 to 29 years for youth with special needs or disabilities
15 to 19 years
20 to 25 years
6 to 11 years
6 to 29 years for youth living with special needs
Adults (19-64)
Adults (25-64)
Children up to 12 years
General Populations
General population
General population (all age groups)
Not applicable
Parents or guardians of young people
Seniors (+65)
Seniors (65 and over)
Youth (13-24)
Grant result
Access to arts-based learning opportunities and compelling artistic, cultural and heritage experiences
Adapt an existing program or service
Addressing racism and its impacts on youth in urban, rural and/or Northern communities
Arts, culture and heritage have appropriate spaces
Children and youth who are facing barriers develop strong emotional and social skills
Conservation and restoration efforts are better planned and more sustainable
Create or adapt organizational strategy to build resilience and capacity to deliver programs and services.
Creating safe spaces for Indigenous and/or Black youth to build strong community and cultural connections
Creating safe spaces for Indigenous and/or Black parents, guardians and caregivers to strengthen relationships, build strong community and cultural connections, and heal from trauma
Design and/or pilot an innovative program or service to address a community need.
Diverse groups work together to improve community life
Empowering girls and young women to lead, including women's economic empowerment initiatives
Enhance staff and/or volunteer skills to deliver programs and services.
Expand an existing program or service
Extend the life of a facility or space
Helping families facing conflict and trauma to heal and strengthen their relationships
Improve a facility or space to make it more accessible
Improve an existing program or service
Infrastructure for unstructured and structured physical activities
Infrastructure is accessible and available for physical activity
Maintain or increase access to a program or service
Mechanisms are developed to promote responsible resource stewardship
Ontarians participate in an active lifestyle
Parents, caregivers and adult allies have the skills to support children and youth who are facing barriers
People and resource users take deliberate actions to benefit the environment
People are engaged in community-based arts creation
People become and stay employed
People become entrepreneurs
People connect with the environment and understand their impact on it
People have a say in shaping the services and programs that matter to them
People have the skills and knowledge to achieve greater financial independence
People participate in ecosystem conservation and restoration efforts
People who are economically vulnerable are able to meet their basic needs
People who are economically vulnerable have access to community services that enhance financial stability.
People who are isolated have connections in their community
People who are marginalized take on leadership roles in their communities
Prepare for the future by developing or adapting digital technology to deliver programs and services.
Preservation and animation of cultural heritage
Programs are safe, inclusive, and fair
Provide mentorship opportunities for youth in and leaving care and/or youth involved in the justice system
Skills and knowledge are transferred to the next generation of artistic leaders
Supporting Indigenous, Black, and/or newcomer youth to enter the labour market and transition to sustainable career pathways
Supporting families facing systemic barriers to access social and financial supports
Supporting families to exit poverty
Supporting families with integration and systems navigation
Supporting parents, guardians and caregivers to navigate and access resources for economic stability
Supporting youth who are not connected to education programs, employment programs, and training programs (i.e. NEET) to exit poverty and social assistance
Supporting parents, guardians and caregivers to effectively navigate, access, and influence systems that affect family well-being
To ensure that Black children and youth have the skills, knowledge, and supports they need to succeed in education and the job market of today and in the future.
To ensure that Black youth and young adults are supported to find and keep meaningful, safe, and dignified work in line with their skills, potential, and career aspirations.
To ensure that Black youth and young adults in Ontario are supported to succeed in entrepreneurship/business building and create jobs.
Trained and certified coaches, officials and volunteers
Youth are engaged in their community
Youth are involved in creating solutions for challenges facing their communities
Youth facing barriers volunteer and are in leadership roles
Youth form and maintain healthy, close relationships
Youth have at lease one consistent, caring person in their lives
Youth have educational experiences that respond to their needs and prepare them to lead
Youth have families and caregivers to help them thrive
Youth know about and easily navigate resources and opportunities in their communities
Population served
At-risk of dropping out or have dropped out of school
Bilingual (French/English)
Black parents, guardians, and caregivers
Black youth
Black, Afro-Diasporic, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinx families
Black/Afro-diasporic/Afro-Caribbean and/or Afro-Latinx
Black/Afro-diasporic/Afro-Caribbean and/or Afro-Latinx youth
Diverse Cultural Communities
Diverse Cultural Communities and Racialized Groups
Families living in rural, remote and Northern communities
Families that are vulnerable of becoming or are in conflict with the law
Families that are vulnerable of becoming or are involved in the child welfare system
Families that have lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit and queet (LGBTTQ+) members
Families with low income
Families with members living with disabilities or special needs
Families with members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit and queer (LGBTTQ+) members
First Nations
Francophone (and offered services in French)
Francophone families
Francophone parents, guardians, and caregivers
Francophone youth
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered
General Population
General Populations
General population
Girls and/or young women
Girls, young women, non-binary
Immigrants & Refugees
In care or leaving care
In care/leaving care
In conflict or at risk of being in conflict with the law
In low-income situations or from low-income families
Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) families
Indigenous or Aboriginal
Indigenous parents, guardians, and caregivers (i.e., First Nations, Metis and/or Inuit)
Indigenous youth (i.e. First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit)
Indigenous youth (i.e. First Nations, Métis or Inuit youth)
Indigenous youth (i.e. First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer (LGBTTQ+) youth
Living in rural or remote communities
Living with disabilities or special needs between the ages of 6 to 29
Low income
Newcomer families
Newcomer parents, guardians, and caregivers
Newcomer youth
Other Language excluding English or French
Other racialized groups
Parents, guardian and caregivers who are homeless or at risk of being homeless
Parents, guardians, and caregivers and/or their children in conflict or at risk of being in conflict with the law
Parents, guardians, and caregivers and/or their children living with disabilities or special needs
Parents, guardians, and caregivers and/or their children who are two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (2SLGBTQ+)
Parents, guardians, and caregivers at risk of contact or in contact with child welfare services
Parents, guardians, and caregivers in low income situations
Parents, guardians, and caregivers living in rural, remote and/or Northern communities
Parents, guardians, and caregivers whose children are at-risk of dropping out or have dropped out of school
People living in low income
People living with disabilities
People living with mental health challenges/addiction
People who are newcomers/refugees
People with Disabilities
Racialized (Other than Black) families
Racialized parents, guardians, and caregivers
Racialized youth
Racialized youth (other than Black youth)
Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual (2SLGBTQIA+) youth
Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual and additional sexual orientations and gender identities (2SLGBTQIA+)
Who are homeless or at risk of being homeless
Youth at-risk of dropping out or have dropped out of school
Youth in care or leaving care
Youth in care or youth leaving care
Youth in conflict or at risk of being in conflict with the law
Youth in low-income situations or from low-income families
Youth involved in the justice system
Youth living in rural or remote communities
Youth living with disabilities or special needs between the ages of 12 to 29
Youth living with mental health needs and/or addictions between the ages of 12 to 29
Youth vulnerable of becoming or are in conflict with the law
Youth who are homeless or at risk of being homeless
Youth who are not engaged and/or at risk of not being engaged with education, employment, and training programs
Youth with all the experiences
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